ifs-informed emdr



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There is hope...even when your brain tells you there isn't.

therapy for Anxiety and Depression In Denver & BEYOND

online therapy serving colorado and georgia

There is hope...even when your brain tells you there isn't.

therapy for anxiety and depression In DENVER & Beyond

online trauma therapy serving colorado and georgia 

I'm not good enough.

I have nothing to offer.

They're just being nice.

I'm a burden.

Nothing is ever going to change. 

They don't really need me.

What's wrong with me?

Everyone is judging me.

Why can't I do anything right?

They probably think I'm weird.

I'm never going to feel normal.

I'm replaceable.

I'm just the pity friend.

I'm a disappointment.

I mess everything up.

I hate that I'm like this.

Self-esteem?? What’s that?? (You’re pretty sure yours is basically non-existent.) You’re constantly comparing yourself to others, and you admit that you hold yourself to impossible standards. “Constructive criticism” brings you to tears….but compliments also make you incredibly uncomfortable. You tend to cover all that up by making self-deprecating jokes or finding other ways to make light of your “travesty of a life.”

Every morning you struggle to get out of bed (you generally don’t sleep well) and then you reeeeally have to psych yourself up to go to work. Once you’re there, you lack motivation to work on anything and it’s hard to concentrate. Some days it feels like it takes everything you have just to engage with customers or clients. You’re constantly feeling overwhelmed, and you’re afraid of having some kind of outburst or breaking down in front of your coworkers.

Social situations are anxiety-provoking and exhausting. You care a lot about what other people think, and you try to be nice and not upset anyone (you hate conflict), but you still end up laying in bed at night analyzing different interactions you had over the course of the day and feeling worried you said the wrong thing or feeling embarrassed about the way you answered that one question.

Sound familiar?

relate better to memes?
    I've got you covered          

Sound familiar?

Self-esteem?? What’s that?? (You’re pretty sure yours is basically non-existent.) You’re constantly comparing yourself to others, and you admit that you hold yourself to impossible standards. “Constructive criticism” brings you to tears….but compliments also make you incredibly uncomfortable. You tend to cover all that up by making self-deprecating jokes or finding other ways to make light of your “travesty of a life.”

Every morning you struggle to get out of bed (you generally don’t sleep well) and then you reeeeally have to psych yourself up to go to work. Once you’re there, you lack motivation to work on anything and it’s hard to concentrate. Some days it feels like it takes everything you have just to engage with customers or clients. You’re constantly feeling overwhelmed, and you’re afraid of having some kind of outburst or breaking down in front of your coworkers.

Social situations are anxiety-provoking and exhausting. You care a lot about what other people think, and you try to be nice and not upset anyone (you hate conflict), but you still end up laying in bed at night analyzing different interactions you had over the course of the day and feeling worried you said the wrong thing or feeling embarrassed about the way you answered that one question.

do you like memes?
maybe you'll relate best to one of these         

It feels like your anxiety or depression rules your entire life. Your emotions feel completely unmanageable but you’re at a loss, not understanding what the hell is even happening or where things went so wrong.

You’re just going through the motions, trying to “push through it” but feeling more and more defeated because you don’t know what you need to change or don’t think you’d be able to do whatever it is even if you did know.

.You’re just so tired. Tired of constantly fighting a war inside your head - because even if one part of you wins, another part of you loses. 

And where does this leave you?

Thinking about the future fills you with either dread or resignation. You’re not sure how much longer you can take living like this.

What if your life could look different?

What if you could wake up each morning (feeling rested) and feel excited about the day ahead of you instead of dreading it?

What if you could feel motivated again? Have clearer goals for your life - your career, your finances, your relationships - and actually have the confidence to work towards those goals?

What if you could feel lighter, no longer weighed down by insecurity and guilt, and could feel more at peace with being exactly who you are? 

All of this is possible... you don't have to remain stuck where you're at. 

 Your past does not have to define your future.

How I Can Help

Anxiety and Depression are sometimes "catchall" terms used to describe a variety of symptoms stemming back to impactful, or even traumatic, experiences from our past. 

therapy for anxiety and Depression can address:

• Major depression
• Seasonal depression
• Generalized anxiety
• Social anxiety
• Phobias
• Panic attacks
• Insomnia
• Flashbacks and Nightmares
• Childhood abuse or neglect
• Emotionally unavailable parents 
• Divorced parents
• Loss of a parent
• Childhood bullying
• Sexual assault/rape
• Abusive ex-partner
• Traumatic accidents and injuries
• Spiritual abuse
• Loss of a pet
• Partner's infidelity

Therapy for trauma-based anxiety and depression can help you to understand why you think and feel the way you do, and develop skills to challenge your thoughts and manage your emotions, empowering you to:

  • Improve your self-esteem
  • Find renewed motivation to work towards your goals 
  • Engage in social settings with confidence
  • Speak to yourself with kindness 
  • Trust yourself when making decisions

If you’re ready, then I am confident that together we can heal the root of your anxiety and depression. Using IFS-Informed EMDR, I will help you to process past experiences that have had a lasting impact on you, rewiring the parts of your brain that are stuck, so you can live your best life as your best self. 

You can try to deny it, avoid it, distract yourself from it, or numb it.


You can sit with it, feel it, listen to it, understand it...

book your consultation call to get started

...and heal it.


How many therapy sessions do I need for anxiety or depression?

It’s hard to say. Some people may just need help navigating a recent loss or specific phobia or only need to process a single-incident trauma such as a car accident, and this can usually be accomplished over just a few months.

Most of the clients I work with are working through anxiety and depression symptoms that are impacting many different areas of their lives, and have multiple past experiences that need to be processed and healed. It’s not uncommon for me to work with a client for 1-2 years, and I have a few that I’ve been seeing for over 5 years. It’s also very common for clients to have seen major improvement in their anxiety or depression after a certain amount of time but choose to continue coming on a less frequent schedule so as to maintain that progress and address new issues as they arise.

So it really depends on your goals and ultimately it’s up to you - you can continue with therapy for however short or long a time feels right and is of benefit to you.

How often should you go to therapy for anxiety or depression?

I strongly encourage my clients to commit to scheduling weekly sessions for at least the first few sessions in order for us to get to know each other, build trust, and get some momentum. After that, we can discuss if you would prefer to continue meeting weekly or biweekly.

Occasionally I meet with clients more than once a week if they are in crisis or are wanting to make progress more quickly but their schedule doesn't allow for extended sessions.

I do expect clients to attend either weekly or biweekly for the duration of treatment or until we have mutually agreed to step down to a maintenance schedule. This is important for you to be able to make the most of your time and ultimately be successful in reaching your goals.

Should I take medication for my anxiety and depression in addition to going to therapy?

The research is very clear that most people experience the greatest benefit in the shortest amount of time when they go to therapy and take medication. 

One key advantage of therapy over medication is that the benefits persist even after stopping treatment. In therapy you learn how to manage your emotions and actually work through the underlying cause of whatever problems you’re experiencing. On the other hand, when someone only takes medication without any learning, their recovery may be dependent on continuing the medication, particularly if the underlying issues haven’t been addressed.

You can learn more about when medication is truly needed in addition to therapy here



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