You start each month thinking "this is gonna be my cycle"... try to relax through the suspense and anxiety of every OPK, blood test, or ultrasound... alternate during the TWW between trying not to get your hopes up and "manifesting" your BFP... stare at that stark white test, devastated, while part of you still desperately tries to see a line... you sob, you scream, you wonder if you can really do this another month... and then you pick yourself up off the floor and gear up to start the rollercoaster all over again.
A friend or family member shares that they are pregnant! On their first try! You want to be happy for them - and a part of you is of course, but if you're being honest, you kind of hate them. You smile and congratulate them, but you're filled with anger at seeing how easy it was for them to get pregnant, and the ache to have what they have tears you up inside.
You've tried to open up about your journey to get support. But if you have to hear one more person (who already has 3 kids) tell you to "just relax" or "just stop trying and it will happen" you might strangle somebody.
You miss who you used to be before all this. You hardly recognize yourself anymore.
You hate your body for failing you. Every medication you take is a reminder of how your body can't do what it was "made to do."
Making decisions that should be simple - like scheduling a massage - or making plans that should be exciting - like your next vacation - are complicated by trying to fit everything around where you're at in your cycle or "if I will be pregnant."
You feel more and more isolated while you watch everyone else keep moving forwards, but you're still stuck, waiting.
The intense mood swings (hormone induced or not) are making you feel like a crazy person.
What if you could...
Smooth out the emotional rollercoaster
Make sense of and find meaning in the path you're on
Learn to trust and love your body again
Find purpose and joy apart from your fertility
Ask for and actually get the support you need during this process
share your story and express your emotions without fear of being judged or dismissed
learn practical ways to cope with or contain difficult feelings or distressing thoughts
build your tolerance to give space for and sit with all your emotions in order to fully honor and release them
restore connection and intimacy with your partner
*Infertility is often complicated by trauma. You may have had traumatic experiences during your fertility journey - including dismissive providers, painful procedures, failed transfers, or miscarriages - or you may have past experiences that are being triggered by this process - including childhood abuse, sexual assault/rape, death of a family member, or spiritual abuse. These and any other traumas complicating your healing can be addressed with IFS-Informed EMDR.
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. IFS stands for Internal Family Systems.
Both EMDR and IFS are evidence-based therapies for treating trauma. IFS-Informed EMDR integrates the two, changing the underlying negative core beliefs that are causing emotional and relational problems in a way that collaborates with our natural psychological defenses rather than trying to just push past them.
This process completely transforms how you view yourself, others, and the world, making it possible to experience true healing and lasting change.
let go of any misplaced blame or guilt over things you cannot control
honor and grieve the loss of the life you imagined
reconnect with old, or find new, hobbies and activities you can enjoy while TTC
find or create new social supports
learn strategies for setting boundaries around conversation topics and events
process traumatic experiences*
redefine your values, dreams, and goals - not only for building your family, but for all areas of your life
• PCOS/anovulatory cycles
• Luteal phase defect
• Diminished ovarian reserve
• Endometriosis
• Thyroid imbalances
• Endometritis
• Polyps, fibroids
• Sperm quality
• Variocele
• Tubal occlusion/hydrosalpinx
• Immune factors
• Hysteroscopy
• Laparoscopy
• Pelvic ultrasound series
• Microbiome testing
• Hormone supplementation
• Ovulation induction meds
• Timed intercourse
• Trigger shots
• IUI (un/medicated)
• IVF (various protocols)
• Gestational carriers
• Donor sperm/eggs/embryos
If you’re ready, then I am confident that together we can help you to better navigate infertility and learn to live your best life as your best self - starting now, not when you have the family you want.
But you can find peace and happiness in the midst of it.
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