ifs-informed emdr



Specialty areas


For women who are ready to heal from their past and be empowered to create the future they have always dreamed about.

Ifs-informed emdr therapy
In denver & beyond

online trauma therapy serving
colorado and georgia

For women who are ready to heal from their past and be empowered to create the future they have always dreamed about.

book your free consultation call

ifs-informed emdr therapy in Denver and beyond

online trauma therapy serving colorado and georgia

I'm curious if a part of you has ever felt...

worried that you’re too “broken” to ever have the family or relationship or job you really want?

like things from your past are holding you back? Keeping you from reaching your full career potential, or from being the mom/wife/friend you want to be?

tired of feeling stuck? Frustrated with therapy that just feels like a band-aid?

that it's time to actually work through your trauma? That you're ready to move past your past and step into the future you've always dreamed about? 

do you like memes and gifs?
maybe you'll relate best to one of these            

I'm curious if a part of you has ever felt...

worried that you're too “broken” to ever have the family or relationship or job you really want?

like things from your past are holding you back? Keeping you from reaching your full career potential, or from being the partner/mom/friend you want to be?

tired of feeling stuck? Frustrated with therapy that just feels like a band-aid?

that it's time to actually work through your trauma? That you're ready to move past your past and step into the future you've always dreamed about? 

do you like memes and GIFS?
maybe you'll relate best to one of these         

 “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine | “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine | “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine | “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine | “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine | “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine | “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine |
 “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine | “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine | “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine | “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine | “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine | “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine | “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” - Peter Levine |

Already know exactly which trauma(s) you want to work on, such as a sexual assault that is keeping you from wanting to go on dates again, or a traumatic birth which is making you feel so anxious that it's hard to bond with your new baby.

Aren’t sure where exactly your current issues are stemming from, but you know there are traumas from your past that you have never really dealt with, such as your parents’ divorce, or being bullied during your teen years.

Feel like “trauma” is too strong of a word, but you know that certain things you experienced growing up have had a lasting impact on you, such as moving several times as a kid or having parents that weren’t emotionally available. 

Maybe you...

You deserve to experience the freedom and ability to live the life you truly want.

I bring both soft and spirited parts of me to my work as a therapist...  

Hey, I'm Tara

I will listen patiently and attentively as you untangle your thoughts. I will gently ask tough questions and encourage you to really feel your feelings. When you share your deepest insecurities or revisit your very worst memories, I will tenderly hold that pain with you and look at the parts of you that you are most ashamed of with unwavering compassion.

But I will also power up my bullshit detector, turn off my snark filter, and playfully call you out when you need a bit of a push (or shove). I will joke with you, drop the occasional f bomb, nerd out on neuroscience if you'll let me, and frequently react with musical-theatre-level facial expressions.

Healing from trauma is hard work, but no one said you couldn't have a little fun along the way. 

I believe that with the right kind of help, traumatic experiences can be transformed into a source of strength and self-love, bringing power to your present and a renewed hope for your future.

Specialty Areas

No matter how you’re feeling right now, healing IS possible.

For those who are always feeling stressed or on edge, getting panic attacks, avoiding social situations… or those who feel down, hopeless, have no energy or motivation… or a combination of both.

For those heartbroken from a breakup or divorce, striking out in the online dating scene, or who can’t figure out how to make a relationship last - but want to have a successful long-term partnership.

For those experiencing prenatal or postpartum depression/anxiety, infertility, pregnancy/infant loss, or generally trying to adjust to being a parent and its impact on your life and your identity.

 Anxiety and Depression


relationship work for singles

I won’t sugarcoat this: going to therapy to heal from trauma requires commitment and a significant investment of both time and money.

So I want you to be totally sure that you are ready, that the type of therapy I offer will help you to accomplish your specific goals, and that my personality and approach is the right fit for you to feel safe and comfortable to show up as your authentic self. 

Let’s chat, and I’ll answer any questions you have so you can decide if I'm the right therapist for you and you want to move forward in working together.

how it works 




I believe that therapy isn't just where you learn how to “deal with” mental health problems. For those who are ready, therapy can provide real healing. The key is determining the root cause of your current mental, emotional, or relational struggles. 

So together, we’ll get to the root of your struggles, and I’ll guide you in a process of healing that leads to transformational and lasting change.

What does life after therapy look like? You will have built a secure and positive sense of self… and you will have learned to trust others and engage authentically in your relationships, so you’ll be able to leave your past in the past, fully live in the present, and confidently step into your future. 

The hardest work will have been done, but becoming our best selves is a never-ending process. Now, this fact excites you… because you know that going forward, the life you want is yours to create. 

schedule your free 15-minute consultation

The best part?


You don't even have to put on pants.

I provide sessions virtually using a HIPAA-compliant video platform, so you can access therapy on your phone, tablet, or computer from anywhere across the states of Colorado or Georgia.

You can login from your living room, your office, your (parked) car, or even your bedroom closet… and it doesn’t matter if you woke up 5 minutes ago or have to hop on a work call after your session, or if it’s snowing or you’ve got a little one at home with you.

Meeting online makes it easier to fit therapy into your life. 

p.s. I’m definitely wearing something, but there is about a 3% chance I’m wearing actual pants

Still have questions about online therapy?

Trauma is passed down through families until someone is ready to heal it.

reach out today to get started 

Will YOU be the one to pass on a different kind of legacy to the next generation?

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